
“My door is open to everyone! I listen to all employees, from the cafeteria staff to the highest managers! Any employee can reach out to me and consult with me!

Some managers may boast about this approach, but is it really correct and mature in terms of management? What are its downsides? 🚪

1. Wasting time ⏳

   – A manager who allows anyone to come in at any time faces the challenge of wasting their time on trivial matters, which hinders their focus on big decisions and important tasks.

2. Distraction 🎯

   – Constantly receiving employees at any moment distracts the manager and impairs their focus on the main goals and projects that require deep thinking.

3. Lack of boundaries and dilution of authority based on the organizational structure ⚠️

   – A manager who does not set specific times for communication fosters a culture of not respecting boundaries, whether for managers or personal time, causing significant stress and negatively impacting performance.

4. Dealing with superficial problems 🛑

   – The open-door policy can cause simple issues to reach the manager, even though they could be solved at the team or middle management level.

5. Impact on decision-making for managers 🧐

   – A manager who is overwhelmed with every complaint or comment from everyone may struggle to make strategic decisions due to the overload of unnecessary information.

6. Psychological pressure 😣

   – Allowing everyone to enter at any time increases psychological pressure on the manager, leading to exhaustion, which can harm their mental and physical health.

Having an open door for everyone is not always a positive idea! Setting specific times for meetings and discussions helps to achieve a balance between listening to employees and managing time efficiently.

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