artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence


The market for education using artificial intelligence ai technology is estimated at $1.82 billion in 2021 globally, and is projected to grow annually at a rate of CAGR 36.0% from 2022 to 2030 according to the Grad View Research platform.


What is the size, future artificial intelligence and impact of this industry on education locally?


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At the outset, what does this area encompass and what are its most important applications?

– Virtual education platforms are the most developed because of their link to the growth of digital education in recent years.

– Smart education systems.

– Smart content.

– Fraud and risk management systems.

and many more.


Since digital education is one of the most important factors in accelerating the transition to AI education in particular in the virtual world, what is the size of the Kingdom’s digital education industry?


According to Statista Platform:

-Revenue on online learning platforms in the Kingdom is expected to reach USD 114.70 million in 2022.

– Revenue is projected to grow annually through 2027 by 9.76%, thus the market size is estimated at $182.70 million by 2027.

– The number of users is expected to reach 5.2 million by 2027.

– Average revenue per # ARPU user is expected to reach US $34.48.

According to Statista, the expected contribution of artificial intelligence to the Kingdom’s GDP in 2030 is estimated at $135.2 billion.

The expected contribution of AI to the Kingdom’s GDP growth between 2018 and 2030 is estimated at 31.3%.


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